
武汉大学第五届国际交叉学科论坛百家乐试玩平台 分论坛 学术报告会


时间: 2018年4月22日上午9:00

地点: 网络安全学院五楼报告厅

学术报告一:Contract Theory for Wireless Networks

时间:2018年4月18日 14:00

地点:百家乐试玩平台 五楼会议室

报告人:Prof. Anthony T.S. Ho

报告人单位:University of Surrey

报告摘要:Contract theory has recently drawn the world's attention, as the Nobel Prize of economics science has successively awarded 3 scientists for their great contributions in this field. Contract theory is mainly aiming at using well-designed contracts to provide incentives for the contracting parties to exploit the prospective gains from cooperation with asymmetric information. In the past decades, it has been widely and successfully used in industries, from banking to agriculture. While in wireless networks areas, where the contract theory can be applied are still under-explored. This talk will closely show how to combine contract theoretical approaches with wireless networks designs to solve problems such as resource allocation and incentive mechanism design. We will be able to see the great potential of utilizing the ideas, methods, and models of contract theory to solve various problems in network economics.

报告人简介: Yanru Zhang (张彦如)(S'13-M'16) received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2012, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Houston (UH) in 2016. She is now working as the Postdoctoral Fellow at in Network Communications and Economics Lab (NCEL), Information Engineering Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her current research involves the contract theory and matching theory, social networks in network economics, Internet and applications, wireless communications and networking.

学术报告二:Obfuscating Systolic-Array-based Circuits via Novel Algorithm-to-Architecture Mapping Techniques

报告人:Dr. Man Ho Au

报告人单位:Hong Kong Polytechnic University

报告摘要:Systolic-array-based very-large-scale integration (VLSI) circuits are widely used in many high- performance applications. Due to their features such as high regularity and modularity, thorough investigation of employing obfuscation techniques to protect the systolic-array-based circuits from counterfeiting by others, however, have not been carried out. Therefore, this talk presents a series of explorations on deriving efficient strategies to enhance the obfuscation performance for systolic-based circuits. Unlike existing strategies mainly focus on the improving of obfuscation techniques; we begin the investigation from the design point of view for systolic structures: algorithm-to-architecture mapping techniques. First, a brief analysis reveals two main critical issues related to the success of obfuscation in systolic-based circuits. Then, novel algorithm-to-architecture mapping techniques for systolic structures are proposed to overcome the shortages exist in current mapping strategies for obfuscation applications. Detailed experiments have been carried out and it is shown that the proposed schemes can improve the obfuscation level with small complexity overhead. Discussion about the strengths of the proposed mapping techniques and future research directions is also given.

报告人简介:Jiafeng Xie(谢佳峰) is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Wright State University, Dayton, OH. He received his B.E. in Measurement & Control Technology and Instrumentation from Yanshan University in 2006, M.E. in Control Science and Engineering from Central South University in 2010, and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 2014. His research interests include VLSI cryptographic circuits, hardware security, and VLSI digital signal processing systems. In particular, he focuses on VLSI cryptographic circuits for emerging embedded systems, hardware obfuscation strategies for systolic-array-based integrated circuits, and novel algorithm-to-architecture mapping techniques to derive “naturally-obfuscatable” circuits. His research has been successfully supported by the Ohio Higher Education Department. He has published many technical papers in various reputed journals/conferences. He is currently serving on the editorial board of Microelectronics Journal.

学术报告三:Efficient quantum repeaters

报告摘要:Quantum entanglement is an indispensable resource for many significant quantum information processing tasks. However, it is difficult to distribute quantum entanglement over a long distance in practice. A solution to this challenge is applying the scheme of quantum repeaters. In the reported literatures, the local operation and classical communication (LOCC) is considered as a free resource. However, the consumption of LOCC takes an important place with respect to time efficiency.Motivated by this observation; we consider a basic quantum repeater scheme that focuses on not only the optimal rate of entanglement-concentration but also the complexity of LOCC. First, we consider the case where two different two-qubit pure states are initially distributed in the scenario. We construct a protocol with the optimal entanglement-concentration rate and less consumption of local operations and classical communication. Second, we consider the case in which two general pure states are prepared and general measurements are allowed. We get an upper bound on the probability for a successful measurement operation to produce a maximally entangled state without any further local operations.

报告人简介:Zhaofeng Su(苏兆锋) currently works at University of Sydney as a research associate. He received a Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering from Wuhan University in 2012. He pursues PhD at University of Technology Sydney in 2018 which is jointly supported by State Scholarship of China and International Research Scholarship of Australian. His research interest is quantum computation and quantum information which includes quantum nonlocality, quantum entanglement, quantum repeaters and quantum artificial intelligence. As the first and corresponding author, he has produced four JCR ranked II journal papers. He also severed as referee for the journal of Quantum Information Processing.


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