题目一:Anomaly Detection and Identification of Natural Data using Benford’s Law
时间:2018年4月18日 14:00
报告人:Prof. Anthony T.S. Ho
报告人单位:University of Surrey
报告摘要:This talk will present an overview of the theory and
applications of Benford’s law for anomaly detection in natural data.
Some examples will be highlighted including the detection of glare
effect in images and classification of biometric images for privacy
protection, as well as security attacks related to network traffic data.
Recent research based on this law has further shown that consistent
anomaly patterns could be achieved for different network attacks,
leading to the potential identification/pattern recognition of various
types of attacks. Moreover, Benford’s law has also been successfully
applied for the detection of Alzheimer’s Disease based on
Electroencephalogram (EEG) data and this will be highlighted in the
报告人简介:Professor Anthony T.S. Ho served as Head of Department of
Computer Science, University of Surrey from 2010 to 2015. He is also a
Tianjin Distinguished Professor, Guest Professors of Tianjin University
of Science and Technology and of Wuhan University of Technology, China.
He was the recipient of the prestigious Institution of Engineering and
Technology (IET) Innovation in Engineering Award under the Security
category for his research and commercialization work on digital
watermarking in 2006. Professor Ho obtained his BSc (Hons) in Physical
Electronics from Northumbria University in 1979, his MSc in Applied
Optics from Imperial College London in 1980 and his PhD in Digital Image
Processing from King's College London, University of London in 1983.
After graduation, he worked in technical management positions in
industry for 11 years in the UK and Canada. From 1994 to 2005, He was a
Senior Lecturer and then Associate Professor at Nanyang Technological
University (NTU), Singapore. He has published more than 150 articles in
international journals and conference proceedings as well as 8
international patents granted related to watermarking and steganography.
Professor Ho is Founding Editor-in-Chief of the International
Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA) and an Area
Editor for Signal Processing: Image Communication, both published by
Elsevier. He was appointed as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on
Information Forensics and Security (TIFS) for three years commencing
January 2016, He has also served as Associate Editor for IEEE Signal
Processing Letters (SPL) (2014-2016), as well as an Associate Editor for
EURASIP Journal of Image and Video Processing published by Springer.
Professor Ho is a Fellow of Institution of Engineering and Technology
(FIET), Fellow of Institute of Physics (FInstP) and Fellow of British
Computer Society (FBCS).
题目二:Applications of Blockchain: Cryptocurrency and Beyond
时间:2018年4月18日 14:45
报告人:Dr. Man Ho Au
报告人单位:Hong Kong Polytechnic University
报告摘要:Conceptualized 10 years ago as a core component of Bitcoin,
blockchain has gained a vast amount of interest. Informally speaking, a
blockchain is a distributed, shared, and immutable ledger that maintains
a growing list of ordered records. It became extremely popular among
the industries in the last few years. Many companies are exploring
applications of blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies. In this seminar, the
speaker will introduce blockchain and highlight some of the latest
research works in this area, with an emphasis of how cryptography plays a
crucial role. Examples of highlights include how cryptographic
primitives such as ring signatures and zero-knowledge proofs can be used
to enhance privacy in blockchain applications. He will also present
applications of blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies and discuss gaps
between the research community and these new applications areas. He will
also share his views and some potential solutions on these issues.
报告人简介:Dr. Man Ho Au received his PhD degree from the University of
Wollongong in 2009. He is now an assistant professor and a director of
Monash-PolyU-CC Joint Lab on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency at the
Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research
interests include information security and blockchain technology. His
recent research activities are generously supported by the Hong Kong
Research Grant Council (RGC), Hong Kong Innovation and Technology
Commission (ITC), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
and the industries. Dr. Au has published over 130 refereed papers in top
journal and conferences, including ACM CCS, ACM SIGMOD, NDSS, IEEE
TIFS, TC, TKDE, etc. He is a recipient of the 2009 PET runner-up award
for outstanding research in privacy enhancing technologies, and best
paper award at ACISP 2016 and ISPEC 2017. His work has been cited over
3000 times, with an h-index of 31. He is an expert member of the China
delegation of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 working group 2 - Cryptography and
security mechanisms. He is also a committee member of the Hong Kong
Blockchain Society R&D division.
题目三:Privacy-Preserving Techniques to Blockchain: The Ring Signature Approach
时间:2018年4月18日 15:30
报告人:Dr. Joseph Liu
报告人单位:Monash University
报告摘要:Ring signature is a kind of anonymous signature. Verifier only
knows that the signer is a user within a group, yet does not know the
identity of this signer. In this talk, we will cover the basics of ring
signature and linkable ring signature, including the concept,
applications, technical constructions and variants. We will further
relate linkable ring signature to cryptocurrencies and discuss how it
can provide privacy to users in Blockchain. We will also discuss some
interesting future works in this area.
报告人简介:Dr. Joseph Liu is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of
Information Technology, Monash University. He got his PhD from the
Chinese University of Hong Kong at 2004. Prior to joining Monash at
2015, he has worked as a research scientist at Institute for Infocomm
Research (I2R) in Singapore for more than 7 years. His research areas
include cyber security, blockchain, applied cryptography and privacy
enhanced technology. His papers receive more than 4200 citations and his
H-index is 37. His remarkable research in linkable ring signature forms
the theory basis of Monero (XMR), one of the largest cryptocurrencies
in the world.
题目四:Cryto encounters with Currencies
时间:2018年4月18日 16:15
报告人:Dr. Kaitai Liang
报告人单位:University of Surrey
报告摘要:To date everyone talks about cryptocurrencies. Similar to the
concepts of big data and cloud, few of us know what are
cryptocurrencies. In this talk, I will introduce some basic concepts and
notions of cryptocurrencies, and further present some security and
privacy risks brought by blockchain techniques. Besides, I will explore
some new functionalities into blockchain technologies (by leveraging
applied crypto) so that the technologies could be transferred to new
报告人简介:Dr. Kaitai Liang is an Assistant Professor in Secure Systems
at the University of Surrey, UK, and member of the Surrey Centre for
Cyber Security, a GCHQ recognised UK Academic Centre of Excellence in
Cyber Security Research. Kaitai received the PhD degree in computer
science (applied cryptography direction) from City University of Hong
Kong in 2014. Prior to SURREY, Kaitai was a Lecturer in School of
Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology, Manchester Metropolitan
University; postdoctoral researcher at Department of Computer Science,
Aalto University (Finalnd); visiting scholar at Department of Computer
Science, UCL; visiting scholar at KU LEUVEN (Belgium), Sapienza
University of Rome (Italy) and University of Wollongong (Australia);
research intern in Institute for Infocomm Research (Singapore). Kaitai
has been involved in a few European funded projects. His main research
interests are applied crypto, data security, big data security,
blockchain, smart contract and privacy-enhancing technology. Kaitai has
published a series of research works, applying secure tools to tackle
real-world problems, in many high tier international journals (e.g.,
IEEE TIFS, IEEE NETWORK, and IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Informatics). Kaitai has served as TPC for many renown international
security/privacy conferences, e.g., ACNS, TRUSTCOM, ASIACCS, ACISP,
ProvSec, and he was the pc chair of International workshop on Security
in Big Data. Kaitai is also an official ISO member of UK ISO Crypto Sub
Committee IST/33/2.
题目五:Lightweight Cryptography
时间: 2018年4月18日 17:00
报告人:Dr. Jian Guo
报告人单位:Nanyang Technological University
报告摘要:Recent years have witnessed massive and wide deployment of IoT
devices, ranging from smart cards to implanted medical devices. It is
estimated that 50 billion IoT devices will be connected by year 2020.
The diverse feature of IoT devices results in many special requirements
to cryptographic mechanisms over traditional ones, such as low hardware
area when implemented on small devices or low energy consumption when
running on devices powered by limited battery. We show, by examples of
concrete designs, how effective cryptographic mechanisms are still
possible under these constraints without affecting the security
strengths. It is also interesting to note that a single algorithm could
be implemented in several ways to fit very different IoT usecase
scenarios while keeping the functionality and security strength
报告人简介:GUO Jian received his B. Eng with First class honors from
School of Computer Engineering, and PhD from School of Physical and
Mathematical Sciences of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore
in 2007 and 2011, respectively. He then worked with Institute for
Infocomm Research in Singapore for 2.5 years, and returned to NTU as a
researcher in 2013. He subsequently joined Temasek Labs as a Principal
Investigator and SPMS as an Assistant Professor. His major research
interest is symmetric-key cryptography, including cryptanalysis, design
and implementation of (lightweight) hash functions, block ciphers,
authenticated encryption schemes, and their applications such as message
authentication codes. He co-designed PHOTON --- one of the ISO
standards of lightweight hash functions, CLOC and SILC authenticated
ciphers --- one of the third round candidates of the on-going CAESAR
competition, as well as LED --- one of the lightest block ciphers
suitable for constrained hardware. He has done some intensive
cryptanalysis against various cryptographic primitives including the
latest NIST hash function standard SHA-3, on which he and his team won
several awards. Among others, he published 20+ papers in top conferences
under the International Association for Cryptologic Research. He is
founding co-chair of ASK — the Asian workshop on Symmetric-Key
cryptography. He served as general co-chair of FSE 2013, program
committee members of FSE 2017, ASIACRYPT 2017, FSE 2018, EUROCRYPT 2018,
FSE 2019, etc, and reviewer for all major cryptography conferences and
journals. He is a member of ASIACRYPT steering committee representing
for Singapore, and also a member of the Security and Privacy Standards
Technical Committee acting as Singapore delegate of the International
Standardization ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27. His research attracted government
research grants worthing a total of more than one million Singapore
dollars, with which he recruited and manages the Cryptanalysis Taskforce
research group at NTU.